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proposed by the Congress of the People November 20, 2010, San Francisco

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Group discussion and number in attendance: 100
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  • #442
    San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
      • City: San Francisco
      • State: California

      • Implement the California Master Plan for Higher Education, eliminating fees and tuition
      • Provide affordable early childcare and combine that program with pre-school to create a program for children from birth through age 5—maybe even through age 8
      • Preserve stage 3 childcare for CalWORKs parents
      • Fully fund early childhood education-pre school programs and ensure that K-12 schools are funded uniformly; end favoritism in funding to affluent schools or districts. Instead, allocate additional resources based on the extra needs of disadvantaged communities
      • Make comparable administrative and teacher salaries and empower teachers in decisions affecting their students
      • involve students in the decision making process

      • This topic was modified 5 years ago by asej.
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