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proposed by the Congress of the People November 20, 2010, San Francisco

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Group discussion and number in attendance:
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  • #431
    San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
      • City: San Francisco
      • State: California

      • End discrimination against human beings based on where they were born, sexual orientation, or the color of their skin
      • Abolish ICE along with other government bodies seeking to discriminate on the basis of national origin and race
      • End all roundups and deportation of immigrants
      • Fund programs to educate and train immigrants for full and equal participation in the U.S. economy
      • End the U.S. government’s violations of the basic rights of indigenous people in the United States and the world
      • Immediately take steps to pay reparations to Indian tribes and to descendants of slaves
      • Carry out the opinion of the International Court of Justice in 1996 that “there is a duty for abolition all nuclear weapons”
      • Immediately ratify the UN convention on the elimination of discrimination against women and the convention on the rights of the child
      • Protect the reproductive rights of every woman
      • Provide women the right to work part-time with equal pay at home, one-year parental leave and free child care
      • Protect the right of every woman to a job and promotions equal to men
      • End discrimination based on age
      • Legalize all undocumented immigrants and open the borders
      • End employer sanctions for hiring undocumented immigrants, guest worker programs, and indefinite detention of undocumented immigrants

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