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proposed by the Congress of the People June 6, 2015, San Francisco

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Group discussion and number in attendance: 40
  • Author
  • #1392
    San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
      • City: San Francisco
      • State: California

       Oppose all building of expanded jail capacity
       Enforce and expand “Ban the Box” to remove the question on convictions and arrests
      from job and housing applications
       Propose and support alternative sentencing and restorative justice
       End taxation by citation
       End incarceration for non-violent offenses for those who cannot make bail
       Ban stop and frisk police practices
       End rewarding police for number of arrested
       Provide training to police in cultural sensitivity, sanctuary city policy, deescalating
      confrontations, responding to mental health crises appropriately, employing non-violent
      methods and communication skills to the greatest extent possible
       End use of military and Homeland Security equipment, including drones, by police
       End training of police in paramilitary tactics
       End SWAT teams
       End the “pipeline to prison” that is criminalizing the poor and people of color and other
      oppressed groups
       Change drug policies to treat drug use as a social problem not a criminal problem
       Ban the use of tasers
       Rescind sit/lie laws
       Ban racial profiling
       Promote policing without firearms
       End “broken windows” policies of prioritizing enforcement of minor crimes
       End policing and citation of fare evasion

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