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proposed by the Congress of the People June 6, 2015, San Francisco

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Group discussion and number in attendance: 40
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  • #1445
    San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
      • City: San Francisco
      • State: California

      • Extend Social Security tax to cover all income, both earned and unearned, and eliminating tax on low income.
      • Raise the benefits and lower the eligibility age for Social Security
      • Cost-of-living adjustments that are realistic, cover all expenses, and reflect recipients’ age and local costs
      • Require employers in all sectors to provide pensions, specifically defined-benefit, not defined-contribution plans
      • No replacement of Social Security by any kinds of individual or privatized plans
      • No investment of the Social Security Trust Fund in stock markets or other private entities
      • All Treasury Notes in the Social Security Trust Fund must be paid in full.

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