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proposed by the Congress of the People June 6, 2015, San Francisco

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Group discussion and number in attendance:
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  • #502
    San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
      • City: San Francisco
      • State: California

       Restore funding of the arts where it has been cut.
       Create safe places for the arts, to foster arts collectives.
       Supply community grants for arts, new funding for art.
       Provide safe, economically secure spaces for all arts.
       Provide art in all schools, prisons and communities everywhere.

       Fund and support arts collectives to reflect the diversity of the city.
       Fund the arts that are not based on rich corporate foundations.
       Enact a moratorium on rent hikes and evictions for artist living spaces and art spaces.
       Create City Arts Collective, comprised of local artists to administer and award funding to
      art activities in the community including schools and prisons. The Arts Collective would
      be in charge of the allocation of the revenue for art and cultural purposes.
       Fund and support the Community Land Trust to take land out of the private sector into
      Public ownership to use for a cultural use such as artist housing, that is live/work spaces
      and performance spaces.
       Create zoning changes in commercial districts to enable multiple use, including live
      work, spaces for artistic production of all kinds.
       Fund multiple use spaces.
       Allow First Amendment protected cultural expression in art spaces in the street. Respect
      the right to free expression and speech.
       City should require that a certain percentage of free tickets for City-subsidized cultural
      events to be provided to low- income residents.
       Provide free admission to cultural events for children and minors.

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