• All businesses that have a financial transaction with a person that person should be considered an employee with all rights and benefits of being an employee, such as required by the Dynamex ruling in California.
• Expand Green & Public Power.
• New version of Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment.
• Update federal minimum wage tied to cost of living.
• Update Wagner act to include farm and domestic workers from second class state.
• State minimum wage in California should not be paused with recession or Budget deficit as is now allowed.
• Social security should be extended to cover care for family members.
• Amend Democracy Charter, rewrite explanation of Humphrey-Hawkins part to include acknowledgment of New Fake lower unemployment rates “below 4%” as the “norm” today.
• Call for enacting full employment today in the spirit of the Humphrey-Hawkins.
This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by asej.