Education through higher education is a human right and is a necessity for a free and democratic society. The role of education is to have enfranchised individuals and communities, and to build a more just society.
We need affordable early childcare. We need to realistically fund preschool, early childhood education, and K-12 schools uniformly; with no favoritism in funding or use of resources but to take into account the extra needs of disadvantaged communities. We need to take the profit motive out of education. We need reinstitution of the GI Bill for jobs programs as well as education by establishing a two-year universal public service program. This could include training disaster relief, public works infrastructure building, or military service. Military service should be linked to pathways for higher education, jobs and citizenship.
We need the implementation of programs linked to parents, teachers and the community. We need a shortened work week for parents so they can participate in community service to their children’s schools.
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by asej.