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Amendments by the Congress of the People November 20, 2010, San Francisco

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Group discussion and number in attendance: New
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  • #1177
    San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
      • City: San Francisco
      • State: California

      Human rights are about human dignity. The U.S. government and state governments should make periodic reports to the United Nations on the UN treaties on elimination of racial discrimination, against torture and on human rights. We should form a non-governmental organization to collect and prepare information to submit reports to UN committees on progress or lack of progress in human rights protection, elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, elimination of torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment, and on civil and political rights and immigrant labor rights.

      We need to end discrimination against human beings based on where they were born, sexual orientation, or color of their skin. We need to end all roundups and deportation of immigrants. We need to abolish the brutal and terrorizing ICE along with other government bodies seeking to discriminate on the basis of national origin and race. We need full legalization of undocumented immigrants, open borders, end to employer sanctions, an end to guest worker programs, and an end to indefinite detention. We need to support all funding for programs to educate and train immigrants for full and equal participation in the U.S. economy. We need to openly contest the U.S. government’s violations of the basic rights of all indigenous people in the United States and the world, and immediately take steps to pay reparations to Indian tribes and to descendants of slaves. We need to support programs for school interns to study and work on social and economic justice programs. We need to spread the word that people with disabilities have the right to human dignity under the law. We need to enforce and strengthen the rights of all peoples.

      We need to carry out the opinion of international court of justice in 1996 that “there is a duty for abolition all nuclear weapons.” We need to support the immediate ratification of the UN convention on the elimination of discrimination against women and on rights of the child. We need to support the reproductive right of every woman, the right to work part-time with equal pay at home, one-year parental leave and free childcare. We need to support the right of every woman to a job and promotions equal to men. We need to end discrimination based on age. We need to support strong organization at the local level to integrate members into the community and work for social change on the state and federal levels.

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by asej.
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