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Democracy Charter Directions

Democracy Charter

To comment on Democracy Charter or Amendments

1. To comment on sections or amendments to the Democracy Charter, you must register on the site.

2. Click on Amendments in the Democracy Charter pull-down menu.

3. Click on a point heading to choose a section of the Democracy Charter.

4. Click on the amendment you wish to view. Click on reply to post a comment.

5. Click on the poll for that amendment to vote yes or no on it. Each registered user has one vote.

To propose Amendments to the Democracy Charter

1. To add an amendment to the Democracy Charter, fill out the field and the field and the field below it with the content of your amendment.

2. Click on the submit button below.

I. Affordable Housing and an End to Homelessness
II. Full Employment and Living Wage Jobs

III. Racial Equality, Human Rights, Immigrant Rights, Women’s Rights, and LGBT Rights

IV. Quality Public Education through College

IX. Alternatives to the prison industrial complex – New Democracy Charger / Amendment New 20181220

V. International Solidarity and a New Foreign Policy of Peace, Cooperation and Mutual Respect

VI. Health Care for All

VII. Social Security System with Integrity

VIII. A Farm Economy Restructured to Family and Cooperative Enterprises

X. Environmental Justice and Protecting the Environment

XI. Public Ownership of Strategic Resources

XII. Electoral Reform, Campaign Finance Reform and Increasing Voter Registration

XIII. Public Ownership of and Access to Communications Infrastructures

To add points to the Democracy Charter

1. To create a new section, pull down Democracy Charter menu and click on “added points.” Scroll down and fill out fields for Topic Title, identifying the group discussion, and put the content of the new section in the field below that. Click on the red submit button at the bottom.

2. To amend an existing added point, click on the title shown in red under Forum. Fill out Topic Title field and identify the group discussion and put the amendment in the field below that.

3. To comment on a proposed amendment, after clicking on the title shown in red under Forum, click on a title shown in red under Topic. Click on reply to the right. Clicking on quote will repeat the amendment along with your comment.

Added Points

XIV. Right to Organize and Building the Labor Movement

XV. Progressive Taxation of Corporations and the Wealthy

XVI. Fair Trade

XVII. Fully Funded Public Transit

XVIII. Public Funding for Arts and Cultural